Breast Augmentation (Enlargement) | London, UK | Mr. Ivo Gwanmesia Skip to main content

Women who have naturally small breasts or who have lost breast volume may feel that their bodies lack a feminine, attractive curvature. The ideal breast size varies among women and is based on your body’s frame and personal preference. All of Mr Gwanmesia’s procedures are tailored to the needs and aesthetic goals of the patient. Breast augmentation (Enlargement) increases the size and reshapes the breasts for women looking to enhance the appearance of their bustline with the highest quality implants.

Enhancing Your Breast Appearance

Genetics have left many women with breasts that are proportionally small for their figure. Other women may feel that they have lost breast volume following pregnancy or weight loss. No matter the reason for your dissatisfaction with your breast size, Mr Gwanmesia can improve your breast appearance so you are provided with the curves, cleavage, and breast profile you have always envisioned.
Women may choose breast augmentation to correct their breast asymmetry. Having breasts of differing sizes is actually common among women. However, if your size discrepancy is so severe that you feel uncomfortable with the appearance of your breasts, breast augmentation can help. Two implants of differing sizes can be used to create breasts that appear more symmetrical, restoring a balanced frame.
Women who have lost volume over time may desire breast augmentation to restore their youthful breast appearance. These candidates may consider combining a breast lift with their augmentation to treat age-related laxity of the breasts. Targeting the causes of aging breasts will help restore a firmer, more perky bustline, which can help many women feel more youthful and confident in their bodies.

Breast Augmentation (Enlargement) Techniques

Breast Implant Options


  • Silicone shell pre-filled with a cohesive silicone gel
  • Best simulates the look and feel of natural breast tissue
  • Higher cost compared to saline implants
  • Lower rate of rupture, but if a rupture does occur, it may only be detectable by MRI


  • Silicone shell filled with a saltwater solution
  • Implant volume may be adjusted during surgery
  • The most affordable implant option
  • An implant rupture would be immediately noticeable
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Breast Incision Locations

  • Inframammary incision - along the lower breast crease
  • Periareolar incision - around the border of the areola
  • Transaxillary incision - within the armpit
  • Transumbilical incision - via the belly button
Different Breast Augmentation Incisions

Breast Implant Placements

  • Subglandular placement - the implant is placed under the glandular breast tissue but over the pectoral muscle
    • May result in a more noticeably augmented appearance
    • Implant distortion doesn’t occur during muscle contraction
  • Submuscular placement - the implant is placed under both the glandular tissue and the pectoral muscle
    • Creates a more natural breast slope
    • Hides implant edges in women with thin breast tissue
implant Placements

Breast Augmentation Surgery Concerns

*Results may vary from patient to patient. There is no guarantee of outcome.

Age: 20 – 25 year old female

Description: Photos taken 2 months post op

Procedure: Bilateral breast augmentation

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Age: 20 – 25 year old female

Description: Photos taken 3 months post op

Procedure: Differential breast augmentation

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Age: 25-27 year old female

Description: Photos taken 4 months post op

Procedure: Bilateral breast augmentation

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*Results may vary from patient to patient. There is no guarantee of outcome.

Patient Testimonials

*Results may vary from patient to patient. There is no guarantee of outcome.*


Frequently Asked Questions

For breast augmentation, we prefer that the patient be 18 years of age or older. By the age of 18, your breasts will have fully developed.
Ideal candidates are in good health, don’t smoke, and have realistic expectations about their results. People seeking breast augmentation are doing so for personal reasons and are looking to enhance the appearance of their bustline.
There are many factors to consider when deciding on the best implant for yourself, including your ideal appearance, your anatomy, and economic factors. Mr Gwanmesia will help you choose which implant is most suitable for your needs.
Most breast augmentation surgeries provide long-lasting results. Women who undergo the procedure at a younger age may require a breast lift or implant exchange later in life. While rare, some complications may develop that require additional surgery to correct. However, most women are able to achieve attractive results that last over 10 years.
Women who choose the inframammary or transaxillary incision (under the breast or through the armpit) will have no issue with breastfeeding. If breastfeeding is important to you, please make sure to discuss this with Mr Gwanmesia during your consultation.
Breast implants will not increase the risk of getting breast cancer, and they also do not delay the detection of breast cancer.
It may be recommended to postpone your pregnancy until six months after your procedure as pregnancy can alter the size and shape of your breasts as well as affect the cosmetic appearance of results.
Patients will be asked to quit smoking for two weeks before and after their surgery to reduce any risks and encourage a smoother breast surgery recovery.
If you experience implants that are bottoming out or if other post-surgical issue occur, like double bubble deformity, your breast augmentation will likely require breast revision surgery.
During your consultation, Mr Gwanmesia will provide you with a detailed summary of all costs associated with your breast augmentation surgery.

Contact us to learn more

Fill out the form below or call us at Tel: 020 7474 1300 with any questions or comments you have.

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Dr Ivo Gwanmesia

Dr Ivo Gwanmesia is one of Harley Street’s most experienced and renowned craniofacial plastic surgeons. With over a decade of professional experience, he has transformed the lives of countless patients from all over the UK & abroad.

Due to his vast and hands-on training in the UK and the US, Dr Ivo now specialises in more than a dozen different aesthetic, craniofacial and transgender procedures. Some of them include face, neck, and brow lifts, upper and lower blepharoplasty, breast reduction & breast uplift as well as facial feminisation surgery, to name a few.

Dr Gwanmesia has also conducted pioneering research, which led to the development of a new technique for the reconstruction of the middle vault of the nose, known as the ‘Fulcrum Spreader Graft’. He was also part of a study comparing the efficacy of the Sheen Spreader Graft and the Fulcrum Spreader Graft. The study has since been published on PubMed and the Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.