The positioning of your implant plays an important role in creating the final look of your breasts. Where they are placed can affect the visibility of surface irregularities, prominence of implant edges, as well as how high your implant sits on your chest. Other factors such as recovery length and lifestyle may influence your decision to choose one implant placement over the other. Mr. Gwanmesia will review your implant placement options with you during your consultation and make a recommendation as to which technique is best suited for your needs.
Implant placement is only one factor to be considered when designing your breast augmentation. The type of implant used, incision placement, and implant size may affect which implant placement is ideal for your needs.
Over the Muscle
Over the muscle implants are placed under the glandular tissue of the breasts but over the pectoral muscle.
- An over the muscle placement is an easier process, with less recovery time and postoperative discomfort. This is because the muscle is left intact, and only skin and fat are manipulated.
- Cleavage is more naturally created, especially when the properly sized implants are used.
- A better placement option for women who lift weights, because it doesn’t distort the implant during flexing.
- Surface irregularities, like ripples or wrinkles, are more visible and easily felt. This is due to the fact that there is little tissue to cover the surface of the implants. It is especially problematic in women who have thin breast tissue.
- Capsular contracture rates are higher among women with implants placed over the muscle.
- You are at a greater risk for implants that bottom out meaning you only have your breast tissue to support your implants, which can weaken over time.
- Depending on certain factors, over the muscle implants can appear more noticeably augmented or “fake” looking.
Under the Muscle
The top of the breast implant is cover by the pectoral muscle, and the remaining third is covered by the fascia.
- The implant is completely covered by muscle and fascia, effectively hiding the edges of the implants, as well as any surface irregularities.
- Under the muscle placement creates a more attractive slope for the breast and contributes to creating a natural appearance.
- The fascia supports the lower portion of the breasts, creating an internal “bra” effect that helps minimize your risk of bottoming out.
- There is a lower risk of capsular contracture in implants placed under the muscle, as well as better mammogram readings.
- The is more postoperative discomfort because of the displacement of the pectoral implant.
- Breasts may sit higher on the chest initially until the muscles relax and they settle into a more natural positioning.
- Implant distortion can occur when the pectoral muscles are flexed.
For more information on the breast augmentation process, you can schedule a consultation by calling 02074741300.
You can get to our London office through the Oxford Circus and Bond Street Underground in Marylebone. We are located on the 10 Harley Street next to the Cavendish Square Gardens.
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