Publications/Awards | London | Mr. Ivo Gwanmesia Skip to main content



Hackett Prize, British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons meeting, Sept. 2014 (Highly Commended)

Poster prize, 3rd annual symposium of the International Tissue Engineering Society, Keele University, England, Sept. 2001.

Wellcome Trust national student elective prize for best student elective project, July 1994.

Anatomy Prize, 2nd MB University of Manchester, April 1993.


Gwanmesia I, Papay F. A novel method for middle vault reconstruction of the nose – The Fulcrum Spreader Graft (Accepted for publication in the Annals of Plastic Surgery Journal – due for publication November 2015)

Gwanmesia I, Couto R, Papay F. A cadaveric study comparing the efficacy of the Sheen Spreader Graft technique and the Fulcrum Spreader Graft technique – Part 1. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal (October 2015) 135(4): 669-676)

I Gwanmesia, O Jeelani, R Hayward, D Dunaway: Fronto-facial advancement by distraction osteogenesis; a long term study. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Feb 2015) 135(2):553-560

Britto J, Gwanmesia I, Leshem D.  The Christmas Tree foreheadplasty, a novel technique used in combination with a bandeau for fronto-orbital remodeling in craniosynostosis. Child’s Nervous System  (Sept 2012) 28(9): 1375-80

Gwanmesia I, Clarke A, Butler PEM. Facial Transplantation revisited: Findings from the very first public engagement exercise; International Journal of Surgery 2011 (9):433-436

Gwanmesia I, Klass B, Patel H. Three and Four-Dimensional Computed Tomographic Angiographic Studies of Abdominal Flaps in Breast Reconstruction (Mar 2010) Accepted Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (letter)

Clarke A, Malloy J, White P, Simmons J, Gwanmesia I, Withey S, Butler PEM. A model for structuring the model discussion in emergent transplant procedures –Progress in Transplantation (Sept 2008) 12(1): 15-21

Gwanmesia I. Publishing Surgeons Outcomes in the lay press – Call for a national debate International Journal of Surgery (2006) 4(40): 251

Becelli R, Saltarel S, Santamaria S, Gwanmesia I, Frati R.  A case report of osteochondroma of the frontotemporosphenoidal suture. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research. (2004) 23(1): 421-424

Gwanmesia I, Butler PEM, Withey S. The use of a monitoring flap in vascularised free jejunum grafts. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery (2004) 113(5):1529

N. White, I. Gwanmesia, N. Akhtar, S.J. Withey. Severe haemorrhage in neurofibromatoma: a lesson. British Journal of Plastic Surgery (2004) 57:456-457

Brown R, Sethi K, Gwanmesia I, Mudera V, Linden H, and Raemdonck D. Enhanced fibroblast contraction of 3D collagen lattices and integrin expression by TGF-β1 and β3. Experimental Cell Research (2002) 274: 310-322.

Gwanmesia I, Walsh S, Bury R, Bowyer K and Walker S.  Unexplained groin pain: safety and reliability of herniography for the diagnosis of occult groin hernias. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine (2001) 77:250-251.

Chandler E, Gwanmesia I, Bruce M.  The entry of nonoxynol-9 into human ejaculate. Contraception (1998) 57: 111-115.

I Gwanmesia,  R McNicholas, C Abela, J. Britto, O Jeelani, D. Dunaway. Management of cerebrospinal fluid leak following frontofacial advancement surgery. An eleven year study study. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Submitted Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery).


Ivo Gwanmesia, Karolina Mlynek, Frank Papay. Orbital Hypertelorism in the Atlas of Operative Craniofacial Surgery, edited by John Mesa MD, Robert Havlik MD, Donald Mackay MD, Steven Buchman MD, Joseph Losee MD (due for publication September 2015)

Gaby Doumit, Ivo Gwanmesia. Nasal Osteotomies in the Atlas of Operative Craniofacial Surgery, edited by John Mesa MD, Robert Havlik MD, Donald Mackay MD, Steven Buchman MD, Joseph Losee MD (due for publication September 2015)

I. Gwanmesia, M. Griffiths, J Simmons: Plastic Surgery; A problem based approach. Chapter 8: Cleft Lip and Palate (2011)

I. Gwanmesia, M. Griffiths: Plastic Surgery; A problem based approach. Chapter 10: Craniosynostosis (2011)

I. Gwanmesia, F. Ali, J. Simmons: Plastic Surgery; A problem based approach. Chapter 12: Facial Palsy (2011)

F. Ali, I. Gwanmesia, J. Simmons: Plastic Surgery; A problem based approach. Chapter 13: Maxillofacial Trauma (2011)

I. Gwanmesia, M. Griffiths: Plastic Surgery; A problem based approach. Chapter 17: Hypospadias (2011)

F. Ali, I. Gwanmesia, J. Simmons: Plastic Surgery; A problem based approach. Chapter 19: Lump in the neck (2011)

I. Gwanmesia, M. Griffiths, J. Simmons: Plastic Surgery; A problem based approach. Chapter 21: Management of the abnormal Ear (2011)



A comparative analysis of the efficacy of the Sheen and the Fulcrum Spreader Graft techniques. Ivo Gwanmesia, Rafael Couto, Frank Papay. British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons meeting, September 2014. (Was awarded the Hackett Prize for the presentation).

Frontofacial Advancement by Distraction Osteogenesis – A 7 To 10 Year Longitudinal Study. Ivo Gwanmesia, Jonathan Britto, David Dunaway. British Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgeons meeting, December 2011

Does Age at Surgery Influence the Risk of Cerebrospinal Fluid Leakage? A review of 36 cases following Frontofacial Advancement Surgery. British Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgeons meeting, December 2011

An attitudinal survey on the concept of Facial Transplantation Gwanmesia I, Clarke A, Butler PEM. British Transplantation Society, Birmingham, Apr 2004

Psychological aspects of Whole Face Transplantation Gwanmesia I, Clarke A, Butler PEM. British Association of Plastic Surgeons, London, Dec 2003.

Enhanced fibroblast contraction of 3D collagen lattices by Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 and 3. Gwanmesia I., Sethi K., Mudera V., Raemdonck D., Brown R. British Association of Plastic Surgeons, London, July 2002.

Persistent  Sinuses: A complication of median sternotomy: Gwanmesia I., Georgeu G., El-Muttardi N. Royal Society of Medicine, Plastic Surgery Division, London, March 2002.

Transforming Growth Factors beta 1 and 3 and their effects on the mechanical properties of human dermal fibroblasts Gwanmesia I., Mudera V., Brown R.  British Society for Surgery of the Hand, Royal College of Surgeons, London, Oct. 2001.

Transforming Growth Factor beta 1 and 3 and their effects on the mechanical properties of fibroblasts. Gwanmesia I., Mudera V., Brown R.   Research seminars, University College London, May 2001.

The role of the fibroblast and the myofibroblast in wound healing. Gwanmesia I., Mudera V., Brown R. Pearce Gould Visiting Professorial lecture, University College London, March 2001


A cadaveric study comparing the efficacy of the Sheen spreader graft technique and the Fulcrum spreader graft technique using an acoustic rhinometer

Ivo Gwanmesia, Rafael Couto, Gaby Doumit, Frank Papay. The American Rhinoplasty Society, San Francisco, April 2014

The Christmas Tree Design – A New Technique For Fronto-Orbital Remodelling Ivo Gwanmesia, David Dunaway, Jonathan A. Britto. International Society for Craniofacial Surgery 14th Biennial International Congress, Zambia, September 2011

Frontofacial Advancement By Distraction Osteogenesis – A 7 To 10 Year Longitudinal Study. David Dunaway, Ivo Gwanmesia, Andrea White, Jonathan Britto. International Society for Craniofacial Surgery 14th Biennial International Congress, Zambia, September 2011

Spring Assisted Posterior Vault Expansion: Does it Treat Raised Intracranial Pressure in Syndromic Craniosynostosis? DeSouza R, Haliasos N, Liasis A, Hon K, Gwanmesia I, Jeelani O. International Society for Craniofacial Surgery 14th Biennial International Congress, Zambia, September 2011

Mathematical Model For The Standardization Of Radiologically Measured Spring Apertures In Children With Craniosynostosis. Haliasos N, Nazir M, DeSouza R, Gwanmesia I, Jeelani O. International Society for Craniofacial Surgery 14th Biennial International Congress, Zambia, September 2011

The versatility of the temporalis muscle flap in oral reconstruction after pleomorphic adenoma of the minor salivary glands Frati R., Allwyn G., Van Sabben C., Gwanmesia I., Becelli R., Scuderi N. 51st National Congress of the Italian Association of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Verona, September  2002

Review of surgical treatment of parotid tumours and facial nerve functionality Frati R., Allwyn G., Van Sabben C., Gwanmesia I., Becelli R., Scuderi N. 51st National Congress of the Italian Association of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Verona, September 2002

Osteochondroma of  the frontal-temporal-sphenoidal suture:report of a case. Frati R., Allwyn G., Gwanmesia I., Becelli R., Scuderi N. 51st National Congress of the Italian Association of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Verona, September  2002.

Persistent  Sinuses as a complication of median sternotomy: Gwanmesia I., Frati R.,  Allwyn G., El-Muttardi N. 51st National Congress of the Italian Association of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Verona, September  2002.

TGF-β1 and β3: their effects on the mechanical properties of human dermal fibroblasts. Gwanmesia I., Sethi K., Mudera V., Raemdonck D., Brown R. 3rd annual symposium of the International Tissue Engineering Society, Keele University, England, Sept. 2001.

Transforming Growth Factors beta 1 and 3 and their effects on the mechanical properties of fibroblasts. Gwanmesia I., Sethi K., Mudera V., Raemdonck D., Brown R. 5th International Conference on Cellular Engineering, Aachen, Germany, July 2001.