When Should I Consider a Facelift? | Mr. Gwanmesia Skip to main content

When Should I Consider a Facelift?

There are more options in plastic surgery than ever before, which allows patients to have procedures customized to their needs.Facelift Results Since there are various treatments available, it is more important than ever that candidates receive the ideal procedure for them. This is especially important for people considering facelift surgery. Your level of skin laxity is indicative of the type of facelift that will be most suitable for you.

Laxity and Volume Loss Around the Cheeks

Patients with localized laxity around the cheeks tend to be between 40 and 50 years of age. However, age is not a determining factor for choosing your facelift technique. Patients who have volume loss around the cheeks but good elasticity along the jaw and neck are ideal candidates for a limited-incision facelift. The benefit of this technique is the use of fewer and shorter incisions. Recovery times are also generally quicker. However, the limited-incision facelift does not provide the same dramatic results as a traditional facelift.

Cheek Laxity and Prominent Jowls

Patients who begin to see sagging along the jawline are typically between 50 and 65 years of age. The combination of cheek laxity and jawline laxity creates an overall drooping facial appearance. Both the deep muscular layer and outer skin layer will need to be lifted to provide improvement. The typical treatment for these patients is the traditional facelift, where focus is on tightening the muscular structures of the face and trimming excess skin. The traditional lift can achieve more dramatic and longer-lasting results.

Neck Laxity

Patients can develop lax neck tissues at any age, which can appear as a turkey wattle or vertical banding along the neck. A neck lift can be combined with any facelift technique to ensure the highest quality results possible. During neck lift surgery, wrinkles, neck bands, and sagging skin can be removed. If necessary, submental fat can be removed to improve the appearance of a double chin.

Patients Over 65

While there is no maximum age for facelift patients, the risk of developing complications increases with age. Patients over 65 are more likely to have medical conditions that prevent them from being candidates for surgery. However, if your surgeon decides you are healthy and in good medication condition, many patients over 65 years of age have been able to achieve dramatic facelift results.

Patients Under 50

The majority of patients under 50 years of age don’t require a surgical facelift. Most younger patients who believe they need a facelift actually only have facial wrinkles and fine lines. A facelift doesn’t provide significant improvement to wrinkled skin. Instead, these patients would benefit most from injectables. Non-surgical injectable treatments smooth the skin to erase the appearance of wrinkles. BOTOX® Cosmetic improves crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles, and brow wrinkles. Fillers such as JUVÉDERM®, Restylane®, and RADIESSE® fill in wrinkles and restore volume around the cheeks and mouth. Candidates for injectables prefer these treatments because of the quick, non-invasive process and fast results.

If you are looking to improve your signs of facial aging, schedule your consultation with Mr Gwanmesia today. Contact our office at 02074741300 or fill out our online contact form for additional information.

Dr Ivo Gwanmesia

Dr Ivo Gwanmesia is one of Harley Street’s most experienced and renowned craniofacial plastic surgeons. With over a decade of professional experience, he has transformed the lives of countless patients from all over the UK & abroad.

Due to his vast and hands-on training in the UK and the US, Dr Ivo now specialises in more than a dozen different aesthetic, craniofacial and transgender procedures. Some of them include face, neck, and brow lifts, upper and lower blepharoplasty, breast reduction & breast uplift as well as facial feminisation surgery, to name a few.

Dr Gwanmesia has also conducted pioneering research, which led to the development of a new technique for the reconstruction of the middle vault of the nose, known as the ‘Fulcrum Spreader Graft’. He was also part of a study comparing the efficacy of the Sheen Spreader Graft and the Fulcrum Spreader Graft. The study has since been published on PubMed and the Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.